
So what does Ontology and Ontological Coaching mean exactly? I get it… this isn’t a word that we inherently know or understand. 

Ontological Coaching is described as “a deeply grounded non-psychologically based approach to perceptual and behavioural change and is at the cutting edge of coaching globally” by the Ontological Coaching Institute South Africa. 

Ontological coaches take a close look at our clients’ Way of Being, as it is expressed through language, emotions and body, and what it means to be human.

Your Way of Being determines how you communicate, how you behave, your perceptions, your opinions and attitudes to life. These are often out of awareness and ultimately they play a major role in the life you create (or don’t create) for yourself.

Sustainable and authentic change happens from a space of awareness and this journey starts with a single step. As Drake puts it ‘sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination’

Through the lens of Ontological Coaching, you’re able to explore a different perspective of yourself including: 

Kerrin Bain leaning against a desk with her black dog below her legs

These aspects of your Way of Being influence the quality of your life and determine how you are perceived by others and most importantly, how you perceive yourself!

Kerrin Bain seated at a table with a framed picture of two chidren

How cani help?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, then you are in the right place. I offer a safe space for you to navigate the often uncertain, disruptive and ambiguous nature of everyday life. My approach to coaching is centred on dignity, respect and care for my clients. 

I provide a holistic approach that addresses the multi-dimensional nature of our existence, and will help you to gently ‘help yourself’ to shift perceptions, moods and emotions and unlock the wisdom of your body. In working together, you’ll be able to work towards your personal goals or deal with challenges in any aspect of your life.